marconi360 01Installation: Luca Serasini
Soundscape: Marco Ricci del Mastro / SINTESIMUSIC
Sound engineer: Roberto del Mastro

Coreography: Francesca Cavallini
with Francesca Cavallini, Vittoria Mangoni, Sofia Bellucci, Livia Bellacchini and Gaia De Luca

duration: 30’

See the VIDEO

The installation Gli Ascoltatori/Marconi 360 is the protagonist of the homonymous performance with the sounds of the profound work of Marco Ricci del Mastro, who has long conducted his own research on timbres and suggestions dictated by sound environments. His studies are oriented to a type of listening both physical / sound and inner / psychic, all understood as a synthesis of technique and feeling. His job was to combine sound paintings in which he built 'appearances', segments of sounds that have not reached their final definition, just like a tour of the world that electromagnetic waves make bringing with them voices, picking up signals, collecting the momentary impressions of humanity in a global communication that is clearly unfinished. On these sounds, the choreographer Francesca Cavallini has elaborated three moments danced with four of her students, interpreting with the movements of the body, moments of waiting, listening, action, stretched towards a gesture that evokes the collection of shooting stars, a metaphor for the reception of signals that descend from Heaven.

text by Alessandro Schiavetti

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